Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hailey Christmas 2011

Hailey woke up later than the other two kids.
So the other kids watched her open her presents.
With Christmas money from Grandparents we got her this toy. It lights up and you can draw on it.
She got a cow pillow and books from Aunt Amy and Uncle Josh. She got a puzzle from Grandma Dye all the kids got one from her. She got a jack in the box which had curious george in it.

Hailey playing with it.

We got Hailey a little car that she can sit on and move around the house. The only down fall the older kids try to ride it and there are to big.

I love her expression when she found out what it was.

Hailey taking her kitty for a ride.

She got the kitty from her cousin and she loves the things tons.

This picture is cute of Zoe dancing by the car.

Hailey giving loves to her kitty.

Hailey is just cute with the kitty.

Hailey before she opened present. We had gone to a friends house for Christmas Eve Hailey found Vaseline and put it in her hair. You can't tell from the picture but her hair is stuck to her head and we are still trying to get it out. It is getting better.
Overall we had a good Christmas and spent time together.

Kaleb's Christmas 2011

Kaleb before opening the presents began.
Kaleb got a Leapster game console and a kid camera. He got building blocks from Aunt Amy and Uncle Josh. Which was awesome since he already had some of those blocks so now he can build all sorts of things. He got a race car track cars 2 theme. He also got the movie.
He got several construction trucks from his cousin.

Kaleb holding up his Leapster. Which we used the Christmas money from Grandparents to get it for him.

He is playing the game.

Kaleb opening a present.

Zoe's Christmas 2011

The kids have been really excited about the idea of Santa this year they couldn't wait. Zoe made sure that there was a cookie left out for Santa. When they woke up they didn't really seem to understand yes today is Christmas and you get to open the presents.
Zoe's theme for Presents for the most part was horses. She also did get a horse pillow.
She also got some books from Aunt Amy and Uncle Josh
We found this cute barn but we had already gotten the kids Christmas. My parents sent some Christmas money so we were able to get it for her.

We got her a horse that little animals ride it.

We got her a Mrs. Potato head

Zoe got a little purse from her cousin.

More railroad

Zoe and Kaleb riding in different seats.

The train coming into the station.

Riding the Railroad

We had the opportunity to go down on Christmas Eve and ride the miniature train. A couple in our ward had rented it out for two hours so the kids got to ride as much as they wanted for two hours the only down side it was cold.

Here is the front of the train.

They had a little Santa ride on the caboose.

Kaleb and Hailey rode together for a little bit.
Hailey got cold so she only rode a couple of times.

Zoe and her friend. She was excited to sit next to her.

Kaleb going for another round on the train.


We got a popcorn popper and the kids get so excited to just watch the popcorn pop. Also there is a tower on the counter that Kaleb built.

Watching Dad put the popcorn into the oil.
Zoe looks like she is pretending to be cold.

During the pictures that I took Zoe is the only kid that noticed I was taking pictures.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Race cars and Ramps

So Jason yesterday put new batteries in the remote control car and made a ramp for the car to jump. Kaleb loved it. The only trick was getting it to hit the ramp just right.

This time it hit just right and off it went.

Hailey got a hold of the controller as Kaleb is bringing the car back for another run.

This time the car went a little to far to the one side and just got stuck.

Thanksgiving weekend

So on Friday Jason and I went and did some Christmas shopping. When we got back we loaded everyone up and went to the park. We didn't stay long since it was cold and the wind started to pick up.
Grandma and the kids. Hailey would look at me for anything.

Hailey going down the slide.

Zoe on the slide. Right before I took the picture her hair was standing on end from the static from the slide.

Kaleb on the swing next to his sisters.

Hailey and Zoe swinging with the help from dad.

Kaleb went to the slide first off he likes the slide.

The first thing that Zoe and Hailey wanted to do was to swing.

Here is a picture of Hailey and Zoe holding hands to walk back to the car. I think it is cute that Zoe likes to hold Hailey's hand and help her when she can.

Thanksgiving continues

So on Thanksgiving we did several things. Grandma Played put the rice socks into a container. Hailey really had fun doing that.

Kaleb and Zoe played with the checkers. They still don't quite have the patience to put one in at a time and take turns.

Jason was awesome and washed dishes after we actually ate thanksgiving dinner. Which I appreciated a lot.

The pictures are little out of order. Here is Zoe helping dad put the turkey in. She kept putting her flower right in front of her face.

Grandma played Monopoly with Kaleb. They are sitting so close since Grandma has a hard time seeing the little words on the screen. So Kaleb wanted to sit up next to her.

Thanksgiving 2011

So this year we were blessed to have Jason's mom come and visit us during Thanksgiving. We put up the Christmas tree before she got here but we waited to decorate it until she was here.

Grandma Helping Kaleb put the ornament on the tree

Jason. Grandma. and Kaleb putting ornaments on.

Hailey helping Grandma and holding a play flower.

Kaleb helping Grandma and Hailey trying to hand an ornament to them. Zoe didn't last long helping with the tree but she thinks it is pretty. The only challenge this year is getting Hailey to leave the ornaments on the tree. Every time we turn our backs for a second she has one and is running down the hall to hide it somewhere.

Snow and Lights

So last Saturday Jason wanted to put up the Christmas lights. The kids wanted to play in the little bit of snow that we had. So here is a pictures of Jason working on putting up the lights.

Zoe, Kaleb, and Hailey all dressed and ready to play in the snow.

Here is the best smiles that I could get from the kids they wanted to play not hold still for a picture.

Kaleb and Hailey.

Zoe going up a little hill.
Also this weekend we were able to trade in the durango and get a Yukon. The Yukon turns out to be 6 inches wider so that will help out when there are 4 car seats to fit into the car.