Monday, August 25, 2008

It worked horray!

Well today I decided to try the play dough thing again. I figured out what I had done wrong last time. I had mixed two recipes together one was for finger paint the other one was for play dough. So needless to say it didn't work. But this time I made sure to follow just one recipe and it worked Kaleb was thrilled.

Kaleb stirs as fast as he can. He gets tired and asks mom to help. Then the mixture is complete.
What should I do first?

Mom gives me some play dough. So of course I need to taste this mixture to make sure it is okay for me to play with. Well here goes.

The texture isn't to bad and I for sure need a second taste to make sure.

Then I decide that I can do more than just eat this stuff I can throw it and I do so many times. In this picture I am about ready to drop the play dough to see what will happen.

Now I know it will just fall and hit the table. This picture is the after math of me letting it go. I have to test this theory many times to be for certain that is what will happen every time. So end this story of the play dough and me. So ends another adventure with Kaleb messy but happy.
The End

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